It seems strange now that I started last year's review saying "2019 was a quieter year photographically than the previous one". This year has, inevitably, been pretty much nonexistant photographically. I've only taken a few trips within the UK and most have been single day or overnight stays, to places like Haworth, Kenilworth, Lyme, Stamford and the Lake District - places under normal circumstances I may not have visited at all. So there's that. What few photos I have taken haven't reached the heights of what I'd normally consider worthy to show in a gallery, but - just because - here are three highlights from this year:

This year has also allowed me the chance to print some images for the first time, three of which are now framed in my study and landing. Many thanks to Untitled Print for providing such superb quality prints at very reasonable prices - I couldn't have been happier with the final results.